Be In Action

We were ready. We were ready to have lunch with you. We were ready to connect with you, and laugh with you, and get into a bidding war with you.

We were ready to tell you we provided prevention education to over 13,000 students in Lake County last year. We were ready to tell you we provided direct client sessions to over 1,000 survivors; 40% of them children. We were ready to tell you that our volunteer base has surpassed 100 individuals contributing their personal time to our ever challenging mission.

We were ready to share our new education curriculum that creates new school leaders and includes parental training. We were ready to introduce you to our new professional staff, further expanding our capacity to serve clients directly. We were ready to tell you that we renovated our children’s art therapy studios.

We were ready to be inspired by the trauma and triumph from our keynote speaker, and our brave survivor telling his story of healing at ZCenter. We were ready to ask for your generosity to make our 18th Annual Luncheon the most successful yet.

And then COVID-19 happened and we are all wondering, what now?

Now we counsel clients remotely. Now we call clients at their homes and connect through confidential video conferencing. Now the counseling team reads informational books together and connects virtually to review client cases.

Now we create presentations and stories to share with students through e-learning. Now we train teachers and parents about how to safely talk to youth during this difficult time.

Now we call survivors while they wait for care in an ER exam room because we cannot be there to hold their hands. Now our 24-hour support line assists clients struggling with difficulties as a result of COVID-19.

Many of you have asked us how you can help during this time…

You can sponsor a table at the luncheon we wanted to have. You and your friends can buy tickets to the event where you were looking forward to networking with colleagues. You can donate in any capacity that you are able.

You have been here for us in the past, and now we ask that you please stick with us during this critical time for what would have been our 18th Annual Luncheon. Show your support for survivors of sexual violence.

Last year, your sponsorships, tickets, and generous donations raised $148,000.

It is a difficult time, and we challenge you, we compel you, we ask you to support the prevention, the advocacy, the crisis counseling, the new trauma and the old. We cannot allow this invisible perpetrator to steal our resources and continue to abuse our families.

Thank you, dear friends, for taking action – our ask is urgent and real. Our doors may be shut, but we are forever open for survivors and those they love. We miss you; miss the hugs, the familiarity, the knowing, and the shared passion for our cause.

Torrie & Team
Torrie Flink
Executive Director

Please reply to our ask by filling out and returning the accompanying form or by making a direct donation today at


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