A Message from ZCenter: Annual Appeal

As we reach the close of 2022, we are excited about what 2023 will bring. Next year, Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center will celebrate our 40th Anniversary. Reflecting on our challenging work and the thousands of survivors we helped over these many decades, we know that we could not have done it without your support. The last three years were difficult for everyone. For our clients, this meant coping with the isolation of Covid quarantines along with the devastating effects of sexual assault. Your generosity allowed ZCenter to reach survivors during those difficult times and provide the life-saving services they desperately needed. Our team found innovative ways to work with our clients and faced those challenges head-on. In the end, we emerged stronger and more resilient.


After dedicating her life’s work to ZCenter, Torrie Flink retired and entrusted our mission to Sandy T. Williams, our new Executive Director. Sandy brings a passion for helping survivors and a wealth of experience leading non-profits. Our leadership may be new, but ZCenter’s mission to mobilize the community toward ending systemic sexual violence while amplifying the voice of survivors through trauma-informed care, advocacy, and prevention education remains the same. Last year, ZCenter provided direct services to 919 survivors and their non-offending loved ones. In addition, through Outreach Efforts, we presented our Prevention Education curriculum to over 10,000 students and worked with another 7,842 community members to raise awareness about the effects of sexual violence.


One thing that has not changed is our need for your support. ZCenter serves clients as young as three years old and has worked with clients that were 99 years old. ZCenter offers free, confidential services to survivors of sexual violence of all ages and their non-offending loved ones with crisis intervention, advocacy, and referral services. While survivors work to heal, our supporters show them we are united in courage to end sexual abuse and assault. Your tax-deductible donation directly impacts survivors. Donate today by using the form below or online at zcenter.org/donate-to-zcenter . ZCenter relies on your courage, passion, strength, and partnership. The supportive community we build together is critical and transformative for the survivors we serve. We look forward to a year of achievements by adding more allies to our human rights mission to end sexual violence. Please consider a gift to help survivors in your community today.


With deepest gratitude,
Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center Clients, Board of Directors, and Staff

Please download & print donation form here to donate or donate online here.


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